Welcome to the pipdb documentation!


pipdb: is a simple library for interacting with Precipitation Imaging Probe datasets, maintained by Fraser King


Note that this project is currently under active development and these documents may therefore change in time.


Project repository: https://github.com/frasertheking/pipdb

What is this?

This package is a simple query API for parsing, visualizing and performing particle size distribution calculations for Precipitation Imaging Package (PIP) data stored on DeepBlue. For additional details regadring the processing of the DeepBlue data from raw PIP files into NetCDF-4 format, please see the associated GitHub repository: PIP_Processing.

This package makes it easy as a user to:

  1. Load PIP data from NetCDF into xarray (single day, full year, multi-year).

  2. Plot site locations.

  3. Extract individual variables of interest.

  4. Print general statistics for each of the included dataset variables.

  5. Curve fit PSD parameters.

  6. Plot PSD variables of interest (1D and 2D).

  7. Plot mean PSD variables over time.

  8. Separate dataset into rain and snow.

  9. Compare between original and adjusted L4-derived products.

  10. And more!

This project is currently being used for a journal article submitted to AGU’s Earth and Space Science

Test in Google Colab

To test the capabilities of this library yourself before installing locally, check out our interactive notebook on Google Colab here.



How to download the package contents to your system


How to install the package


Where to find and download the PIP data to use the API with


API function defitintion references


Interactive notebooks for using the API on real PIP data


If you have any questions about using the dataset, please reach out to one of the corresponding authors.

  • Fraser King, University of Michigan, kingfr@umich.edu

  • Claire Pettersen, University of Michigan